About Ariel

I came to Spain originally to work with Muslim refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. I’ve worked with multicultural and diverse teams over the past few decades, so I value presenting the Gospel to all nations!

I’m thankful that I now get the chance to do that as the pastor of the International Church: Madrid. Whether by street preaching, teaching how-to seminars, helping someone learn English, or even through strategic prayer and worship, my work is to plant the Church in this city.  

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Rain Drops - arielrainey.com

99% of the people in Spain do not know Jesus.  That’s 99% of the people in the park when I’m exercising or 99% on the people on the metro when I’m downtown— 99% of 46 million people in Spain have never had a true encounter with Jesus Christ!

I look forward to taking every opportunity out I can to lead people closer to Jesus, whether it’s introducing them to Jesus for the first time or helping to mentor others into a greater role of serving Him—that’s what I want to do for the rest of my life and certainly for the next few years in Spain!