Day 25 - My Quarantine isn't YOUR Quarantine

Teddy Roosevelt is credited with this famous quote, ”Comparison is the thief of joy.” Never has it been more obvious than in my current circumstances because MY quarantine isn’t YOUR quarantine.  

Sitting in my house all day, it would be easy to focus on the four walls, and think about how others are quarantined in larger apartments, or houses with backyards to play in, maybe even pools to entertain their kids in warmer climates, whole pantries of toilet paper —whatever I *don’t* have. I could easily focus on all the people in countries that CAN go outside and exercise, while I’m stuck inside by police mandate. I could focus on so many comparisons, but every one of them would steal another little piece of my joy.  Another slice of my contentment.  Another bite of my peace. 

Psychologists tell us that we can’t completely control comparing things.  Our brains are wired to note differences in size, splendor, and superiority.  But what we CAN do is choose to note some others things, too: 

*What I DO have.  When I think of all the blessings that I have, my little apartment seems to expand because my roommate and I worship here daily, so the Holy Spirit fills these walls. We laugh, sing, dance, and cook.  I’m thankful for that companionship.  We have plenty to keep us productive and entertained.  We’re building relationships with the neighbors on every side of our apartment each day—an answer to a long-time prayer!  We’re both healthy and well-fed.  I could go ON AND ON because of all the blessings we enjoy but you get it.  JOY COMES BACK when I think of all I have, and I forget all about whining for what I don’t have.  

*What others NEED.  Sure there are people who have it better than me.  But many have it worse.  And that shouldn’t make me prideful or selfish.  God forbid.  It should make me think, “How can I help?”  How can I give to those in need, because I’ve been so blessed? How can I share the resources and the HOPE that I have with those who have less than I do? 

So yeah… your quarantine isn’t MY quarantine.  And we could all sit around jealous and joyless.  But, I guarantee you that when you stop comparing and invest into gratitude and empathy, your joy will increase.  And so will the blessings!

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