
“Influence” is a word that is overused in today’s culture.  We describe people as “influencers” because they have a number of followers on social media, which presumes that they have an impact on the opinions or actions of others. 

Measuring by that standard, we can be fooled into believing that we are not influential if we don’t have a massive following.  Yet, this thinking is flawed, as the quote illustrates.  We often have no idea of the true, lasting influence on others that we wield every day.  

When I reflect on the people who I feel have influenced my life the most, it wasn’t their sermons that changed me. As much as I’m sure they poured themselves into the preparation and delivery, it was the moments that I sat on their couch, or the conversations we had over dinner, or the cards and the letters and the LIFE that they spent with me. Their consistent walk with the Lord is what impacted me most powerfully.

You’ve probably seen the cheesy, scripted motto wall-hanging, reminding us that “Life is made up of moments.” True influence is as well.  Don’t discount the faithful, compassionate demonstration of love and godly character that others see in you daily.  Your children, your friends, your local merchants, and coworkers—you already have a circle of influence, although you may not realize how much your interactions are impacting the spiritual journey of those around you.  As Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Your life directly influences others to see God in the flesh.  

But it is not only the life we lead that has an influence. I’ve come to believe that the strongest influence comes through prayer and intercession. It truly changes EVERYTHING.  While my circle of influence on earth may be limited, my influence in prayer is exponential! The Enemy of our souls wants us to believe that our prayer is unanswered, unheard, or even unnoticed by the Almighty.  But the Word of God promises in James 5, that the prayer of the righteous person is powerful and effective!  First Peter 3:12 promises that the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and he is “attentive” to our prayer. Prayer that gets God’s attention is an influence unmatched by anything on instagram!  If we truly knew what our prayers achieve in the spiritual realm, we would pray without ceasing!  We would concentrate that influence toward breaking spiritual bonds and barriers and we would witness the resulting impact in our lives. So often, however, our inability to see the immediate results convinces us that our prayer has little to no influence, and we quit, defeated before the battle is won.  

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“Influence” is not determined by our circumstances or our job title.  It is not limited to the powerful or wealthy.  It is not bound by algorithms or one’s social media clout.  The power that raised Christ from the dead lives in me, and that’s pretty influential! I can demonstrate His power through my daily life, and I can harness His power every time I enter boldly into His presence in prayer.  May our influence increase for His glory!