One year of Masks

One year ago today (March 16) our lockdown began in Madrid. I’ve already written my reflections on the craziest year of my life. Today I’m going for humorous. One year after this all began…. I now own more masks than underwear.


Yes, I realized this recently as I attempted to organize my overflowing dresser drawers. But it’s normal, right? We have to wear masks EVERYWHERE here in Europe.

Let’s think this through: I sometimes change my mask 2 or 3 times a day, and I don’t need to change my drawers that often—thank you, Lord! I have spare masks in my car, office, and in my purse, and again, that’s not something I need to do with my skivvies. Underwear and masks are VERY different, clearly.

I don’t color-coordinate my underwear to my outfits, nor do I wear underwear emblazoned with logos or advertisements.

I have never “bedazzled” my underwear in sequins, and I’ve never had lengthy conversations with people about where I bought my underwear or how comfortable (or not) I find them to be. I don’t worry about how breathable my underwear is or how medically “filtered” they should be for ideal health.

I have never ripped off my underwear as soon as I walked in the door or yanked them down so I could breathe easier.

I’ve never accidentally dropped a pair of underwear on the floor at work, in a restaurant, or in the public street. I don’t usually complain about wearing underwear, nor have I seen it as a political statement whether I comply with other people’s underwear expectations.

I haven’t ever been fined, arrested, or denied service based on my lack of underclothing (if you HAVE, that’s a story I might need to hear sometime!).

So in shorts, underwear is necessary. but not quite as necessary as masks these days.

How about you? Do you have more masks than tighty-whities? Take the challenge and #countyourmasks