In the Present Moment

present moment -

I came across this quote recently and boy, does it resonate!  It’s basically the reminder I need for every day of 2020.  From one day to the next, I don’t know what will happen, and I’ve lost count of things that have been cancelled from my 2020 calendar. As a lifelong “planner” this year has been a total revelation for me of what it means to trust God in the PRESENT MOMENT.

At the beginning of 2020, my word for the year was “Surrender,” and man, I’ve had to live that. one. out.  From March 16 when we went into the “State of Alarm” (lockdown) in this country, I’ve had to  surrender one day at a time over the last four months—surrendering to the present moment, without pitching a fit like a spoiled child over what’s already happened and without freaking out in fear for what still might happen tomorrow.  

In my family we have a tradition when we say our goodbyes at various airports of the world; my father always tells me, “Make Jesus happy, and we’ll be fine with that.”   Knowing His will in the present moment is basically continually asking: 

Lord, how can make you happy today?

In THIS circumstance?

No matter what…how can I please You in my choices *right now*?

The present moment is enough for me to live out God’s purpose, and He’ll handle every moment to come.