Why I stay on Social Media

In the past few months I’ve been increasingly dismayed by social media. (Is it worse than usual? Or is it just that I spent more time scrolling during quarantine?) In fact, I’ve considered going offline completely, eliminating much of the ugliness that comes with the Facebook feed. Between the politics and racism and constant negativity, I’m soooo over it.

But I decided to stay on social media to communicate my greatest value and my greatest passion—serving the Lord and the world around me.

So you have my personal guarantee that allllll of my posts will pretty much focus on four values:

  • I believe we should serve SMART—so I’ll sometimes share books, resources, and life lessons

  • I believe we should serve HEALTHY—healthy Christians offer healthy influence. I’ve learned this and now I live this!

  • I believe in serving *EVEN IF* —being single/female/middle-aged/overlooked/underfunded/WHATEVER does not eliminate you from serving OR being joyous as you do it!

  • I believe we can all serve CROSS-CULTURALLY—maybe that’s here in Spain, or using Spanish, or in the cultural context right where you are! The Great Commission applies to all of us.

So, these four values are the reasons why I stay on social media, and why I’ll keep on using it to build God’s Kingdom.

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