He Restores my Soul

Psalm 23 is one of the best loved passages of the entire Bible. I’ve been reading through a study in the past few days, and there is SO MUCH richness to this psalm.  But today what struck me most was these four words: He restores my soul. 

The Shepherd knows His sheep. He knows when they need the calm streams to hydrate them and when they need the lush fields of grass to nourish them.  He knows when they need to rest; He knows when they’re worn out and exhausted.  

It’s a wonderful and comforting thought to me that my exhaustion doesn’t surprise him or catch him unaware.  

My exhaustion catches me unaware ALL.THE.TIME.  I typically realize I need a vacation about two months after I really should have taken one.  And then it’s another two months before I can actually get it in my calendar, because I’m always way too busy.  But He already knows the status of His little Ariel sheep, and He’s ready and waiting to restore me once again.

Being weary and overwhelmed happens to all of us.  Perhaps we’re struggling through trials and difficulties or maybe even trouble of our own making (the worst!).  But the Shepherd restores us over and over, because He knows exactly what we need. And the only cure for what truly troubles us is His presence.  

I’m going to say that again: the only TRUE restoration comes in His Presence. 

HE restores my soul--not a long, hot bubble bath, not a beach vacation, not a few days off, not  “self-care” or any other pop-psychology solution. Don’t get me wrong--those things aren’t wrong, and God can use those things to help you rest, but only the Shepherd can restore your soul.  

Jesus offered this rest to all of us: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30).  

Psalm 23 says “He makes me lie down, and He leads me to the quiet waters,” but Jesus indicates that the choice is ultimately OURS.  IF we will come, IF we will follow the Shepherd….He will give us the rest and restoration we so desperately need. 

Are you weary?  Are you longing for a soul-deep refreshing?  Don’t try to do it yourself; only the Shepherd can do what you truly need.  Come to Him, and let Him surprise you with all the ways He answers you when He restores your soul.