Posts tagged exhaustion
What I'm learning: First Class

Most of my friends are posting photos of their children on the first day of school this week, and cuteness overloads my entire social media feed, as I scroll through these bright smiles and overloaded backpacks. It’s a little less cute for the mature adult who decides to go back to school, but probably just as emotional and overwhelming. Maybe even more so.

Four months ago, I started my doctorate. It’s been a few years in the planning and process. But I just couldn’t seem to start.

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Strength to Strength - Psalm 84 series

Several years ago, I was joining a new ministry team, and we were talking about some of the particulars of that decision; we talked about the job description, future projects, and the timing of the transition. At the end of our discussion, I mentioned one other thing that I wanted to make clear: I stated very clearly, “I won’t hike.”

I knew they enjoyed hiking, because I’d seen photos of their team retreats in the mountains, and I *HATED* hiking. So I wanted to make sure they understood that doing long “team building” hikes into the summits of Spain wasn’t really something that I would enjoy. They promised never to make me hike, and they kept their word.

Flash forward six years, and how did I spend my last vacation in Spain? Umm, hiking all over southern Spain. So, what changed?

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Valley of Tears - Psalm 84 series

Psalm 84 describes the pilgrim making this way to Zion, to the Presence of God. But the Valley of Weeping is part of the journey.

To our modern ears, going through the valley of Weeping sounds like something we would all rather avoid. I sure would! And this Covid crisis is indeed a Valley of Weeping for many: we have lost loved ones in this crisis--family members, classmates, neighbors, and more. We have lost jobs, opportunities, security, and the comfort of our routine. We feel isolated and lonely.

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The Highways to Zion (Psalm 84)

Yesterday I wrote about the catalyst for this series: God meeting me in the depths of exhaustion with the phrase, “Blessed are those whose strength is in You.” From that one little snippet, I started studying Psalm 84. In the writer’s song, I identify: I’m longing to be in God’s presence. I need the peace and refuge of His temple courts.

The whole verse of Psalm 84:5 says, “Blessed are those whose strength in in You, *in whose hearts are the highways to Zion.” *

When we make any journey, we have a “here” and “there” in mind. From a starting point, we have a desired destination, and the map shows us the route or the process to get where we want to end up. Yesterday, I read that first part, “Blessed is the man whose strength is in You,” and it helped to identify my current location: Exhaustion Desert. But I want to get to Strength Mountain. I want to arrive in the Presence of God where I have total peace and access to His unfailing strength. I want to get to Zion. How can I arrive there?

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Exhaustion (Psalm 84 series)

I’m 𝑒𝓍𝒽𝒶𝓊𝓈𝓉𝑒𝒹. I’ve been feeling it awhile, but today, I’m admitting it.

It’s not just Fridays. It’s not just cold, dreary days of January. It’s a deep exhaustion that comes from daily being surrounded by bad news and constant need. I’m depleted, devoid of the bank of energy that usually fuels me.

When I read this verse recently, “Blessed are those whose strength is in You,” it hit me square on.

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He Restores my Soul

Psalm 23 is one of the best loved passages of the entire Bible. I’ve been reading through a study in the past few days, and there is SO MUCH richness to this psalm.  But today what struck me most was these four words: He restores my soul. HE restores my soul--not a long, hot bubble bath, not a beach vacation, not a few days off, not  “self-care” or any other pop-psychology solution. Don’t get me wrong--those things aren’t bad, and God can use those things to help you rest, but only the Shepherd can restore your soul.

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